Friday, August 22, 2014

Finally Tired of Not Talking

What's happening in Ferguson is an atrocity.
Completely unrelated to the protesting (though ten days after the protesting has started) a black man walks into a store and steals two sodas. Someone starts recording him, it's apparent the police are on their way. The moments the cops get out of their big SUV they have their guns pulled, and in a matter of 23 seconds the black man is shot and killed. 12 rounds fired into him within three seconds. He was being confrontational, and was armed with what appeared to be something "like a steak knife." (direct quote from police report - could've been a butter knife).  When the cops arrived on the scene and got out of the car and pointed their guns at the man, he started screaming "Shoot me, kill me now!"  So what do those cops do after they kill a man (after not even trying to de-escalate the situation)? They turn his dead body over, and handcuff him.

The police chief, Sam Dotson, 90 minutes after the "incident" said the man was acting erratic, would not respond to verbal commands, and said the officers statement said the man was coming at them with an overhand attack. Not long after that a video emerges of the "altercation" starting and ending in 23 SECONDS folks, and the video clearly shows the man was not attacking the officers. The officers had tasers and guns. Why didn't they use tasers? "Because they aren't 100%."

The tasers that law enforcement carry have a standard spec of 35 feet shot distance and 50k volt pulse.  Two officers with taser guns surely would've sufficed, but no, these cops wanted to bring a gun to a knife fight. 

How is it that men and women who go through extensive training on law enforcement somehow completely forget training that's done on de-escalation and consideration of preserving life over everything else?

12 days ago Michael Brown was killed, there's still no police report and there's still no autopsy report that's been made public. Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed wanted to petition a state prosecutor to recuse himself from the Michael Brown case. Armed with SEVENTY THOUSAND signatures, she was denied entrance to a public building. Police officers stood behind yellow tape and denied her and her constituents entrance into a PUBLIC BUILDING.

Peoples rights are being stripped, and it's no big deal. Oh no worries, you can't enter this building your tax dollars help maintain. Oh, sorry no you can't assemble in peaceful protest. Here, in order to keep you from protesting we'll use sound cannons on you that have only been used twice on U.S. citizens and is normally a instrument used in WAR.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has sent over 1000 troops BACK to Iraq to fight ISIL, they've executed 84 airstrikes (now featuring bomber planes), Syria is going through a gigantic civil war (over 191,000 killed since March 2011), and the list goes on. Hamas and Israel, Russia and Ukraine...

Yet here we are, eating our McFlurrys and hamburgers living the American dream, blissfully ignorant of everything that doesn't involve our need for immediate consumption, clicking links that show us "The 12 Cutest Kittens Ever" and posting picture quotes, nothing real anymore... I think the worst thing is that a lot of my friends have no idea what the hell is going on until I talk to them about it. That really disturbs me. I'd rather someone have a terrible opinion on SOMETHING than not have one at all. Not educating ourselves on what's going on in this country (and outside of it) is possibly the most detrimental thing like...ever. The apathy kills me.

Inactivity leads to captivity. 

Do you really want to be a mouse in a cage?

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